Page 12 - CIBERER-2015-eng
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Hence, over 20 new patent applications were made and seven licensing agreements were signed at the CIBER in 2015.
• The presentation of research results and technological capacities of our groups.
Among many other measures and only as an ex- ample, in 2015, several projects were presented at the II Foro de Innovación en Diagnóstico in Vit- ro – FENIN in Barcelona (December 2015).
• Support for technology-based business creation stemming from CIBER groups.
The CIBER has since 2014 taken part in Epidisease ( which it continued to support in 2015. Epidisease is the first Spin-off to have been produced by the CIBER area. This company offers services based on epigenetics to provide solutions for human diseases. This year it was given an award of aid from the VLC/ Campus Start Up programme.
• Other activities connected with innovation, public-private cooperation and industrial and intellectual property.
For example, the registration of the “community trademark” of the CIBER has been processed, or steps have been taken for registering intellectual property rights for audio-visual projects, amongst many others.
• In this period CIBERER applied for three prior- ity patents and signed two licences.
Dissemination activities
In 2015 CIBER’s Communication Department car- ried out different measures for dissemination and disclosure in order to improve the Centre’s visibil- ity, as well as publicising the research work done by the groups in its eight thematic areas. We now detail the 2015 milestones in CIBERER Commu- nication.
During the 2015 period 50 CIBER press releases were issued, seven of these from the CIBERER and four in cooperation between several CIBER areas.
Date Themathic Area
January February
February February
April April
May August
October December
El CIBER pone en marcha tres proyectos de excelencia interdisciplinares financiados con casi 2 millones de euros por la AES
Investigadores del CIBER identifican diversos factores de riesgo de sufrir cáncer
El CIBER acerca su investigación al público de la mano de la improvisación teatral en #ImproCiencia
Investigadores del CIBER identifican diversos factores de riesgo de sufrir cáncer
Investigadores y afectados exponen su colaboración en diversas enfermedades raras en una jornada en Valencia
La nueva plataforma Rare Commons une a investigadores y familias de pacientes para avanzar en el conocimiento de las enfermedades raras
Identifican en dos familias españolas un nuevo gen asociado a retinosis pigmentaria
Familias e investigadores se unen para avanzar en el conocimiento de la enfermedad de Menkes
Identifican una nueva posible causa genética de microftalmia
CIBERER pone en marcha un mapa interactivo de los proyectos de investigación sobre enfermedades raras en España
El Group de referencia en enfermedades raras hematológicas que lidera el doctor Vicente Vicente se incorpora al CIBER
12 I Annual report 2015 I CIBERER

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