Page 11 - CIBERER-2015-eng
P. 11
Significant Activities
The projects active in 2015 were as follows:
Financing Agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III:
• Genetics and Disease Mechanisms in inherited peripheral neuropathies.
• Mitochondrial alterations in cell models of Par-
We should stress the CIBERER’s participation in one of the CIBER interdisciplinary excellence pro- jects financed by the AES. The project led by the CIBER-BBN has the aim of identifying common molecular mechanisms between diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases.
• European network and registry for homocystinuri-
kinson’s disease (LRRK2 and Parkin): Thera- peutic potential of modulators of the mitochon- drial function.
• Translational Research Experimental Medi- cine and Therapeutics on Charcot-Marie-Tooth. Translational Research and disease mecha- nisms in inherited peripheral neuropathies.
• Study of the channels involved in autism spec- trum disorders: functional consequences of genetic and epigenetic variants.
• Progress made in McArdle’s disease: New ther- apeutic approaches and development of a new non-invasive diagnostic model in patients.
Financing Agency: Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness:
• Platform for supporting internationalisation of the CIBER-BBN/ER/RES.
• Regulation of the replication of mitochondrial DNA in human pathology: Importance of the homeostasis of the pool of dNTPs.
• Generalitat Valenciana: Study of the specificity and sensitivity of a method based on the de- tection of the histones circulating in plasma as biomarkers of severe sepsis and septic shock.
• Fundació La Maratò – TV3: Regenerative med- icine for Fanconi anaemia: generation of dis- ease-free patient-specific iPS cells, and iPSC-de- rived hematopoietic progenitors and platelets.
• Fundación ARECES:
- Generation of iPS cells for the study of neu- rodevelopment diseases: Autism and Williams Syndrome.
- Allan-Herndon-Dudley Syndrome: Molecular mechanisms and therapeutic approach in the murine model of the disease.
as and methylation defects (E-HOD).
• EUCERD Joint Action: working for rare diseases (EJA).
• Promoting Implementation of Recommendations on Policy, Information and Data for Rare Diseases (RD-ACTION).
One of the CIBER’s main aims is the transfer of re- search results into clinical practice, and one of the best tools existing for this purpose is technology transfer. The Unit managing this at the CIBER sets out to act as a bridge between our researchers and other agents in the Science and Technology System (companies, business associations, other research organisations, etc.) to make cooperation with these bodies more effective. This means that research results will be efficiently developed and can succeed in being applied. Work is done in sev- eral lines to this end:
• Training in innovation management and con- tinuous contact with our researchers to moni- tor their results.
In this respect, last year the first general event of the CIBER in training on technology trans- fer and innovation was held, on 26th February 2015 and where national experts took part sharing their knowledge in matters such as in- dustrial property, business creation or publica- tion in open access, etc.
• Protection of their research results and man- agement of cooperation with other agents, as vouched for by applications for patents and signing licensing contracts, amongst other agreements.
CIBERER I Annual report 2015 I 11

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