Page 12 - CIBERER2016-ENG
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• Protection of the results of research and management of cooperation with other agents, as is accredited by the application for patents and signing licence contracts, amongst other agreements.
In 2016 eleven new patent applications and a registration of software were submitted at the CIBER. Seven inventions are also in the patentability study stage and one in the drafting stage, and these are expected to be submitted in early 2017.
Eight licence contracts have also been signed and in 2016 different negotiations that are expected to end successfully in the first quarter of 2017 were also got under way.
Three new patents were applied for by the RD in 2016 and two licence contracts were signed with companies, a further two being in the negotiation process. Two of the licences signed and one being negotiated specifically belong to agreements with the company Rocket Pharmaceuticals. These are associated with an RCA (Research Cooperation Agreement, and an MRA (Master Research Agreement) for financing several preclinical and clinical projects. The whole action is valued at over 10 million euros.
• Presentation of the results of research and technological capacities of our groups in technology transfer sessions. Amongst many other measures and only as an example of this, CIBER had a stand at BIOSPAIN 2016 (28-30 September, Bilbao) which was visited by members of institutions.
• Support for creating technology-based companies resulting from CIBER groups.
Through its Rare Disease area, the CIBER has since 2014 been participating in Epidisease (http:// www., which it has continued to support over these years, with the following specific actions in 2016:
- Presentation to the “Mind the Gap” Programme of the Fundación Botín (in the final stage, pending their decision).
- “Neotec” project applied for at CDTI (pending resolution).
- Finalist in the FIPSE-MIT- IDEA2 Global programme.
- Selected by DCN to be joined by several investors (presentation of the project in February 2017 at the
Scientific Committee).
• Other activities involving innovation, public-private cooperation and industrial and intellectual
In 2016 the CIBER’S Communication Department carried out different dissemination and diffusion measures in order to raise awareness about the Centre, as well as to spread knowledge about the research work done by the groups in its eight thematic areas.
The main highlights of the Communication work done by CIBERER in 2016 are as follows:
• The CIBERER in the media:
67 CIBER press releases were issued in this period, 6 of these from the CIBERER and 2 in cooperation between several CIBER areas.
Thematic area
La primera Jornada Nacional de la Enfermedad de Menkes acogerá la presentación de un proyecto de investigación sobre este trastorno ultra-raro
Expertos internacionales explican sus avances en terapia génica para tratar enfermedades hematológicas
La Región de Murcia cuenta con un grupo de referencia en enfermedades raras hematológicas que se ha incorporado al CIBERER
Un grupo multidisciplinar de autores lanza el primer libro en español sobre la ética en la investigación de las enfermedades raras
Investigadores del CIBERER utilizan la tecnología de edición genética CRISPR- Cas9 en diversos proyectos sobre enfermedades raras

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