Page 11 - CIBERES-2015-eng
P. 11
Significant Activities
The projects active in 2015 were as follows:
Financing Agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III
• Role of innate immune receptors in vascular alterations associated with acute lung dam- age (MS12/03304).
In this respect, last year the first general ses- sion of the CIBER in training on technology transfer and innovation was held, on 26th Feb- ruary 2015 and where national experts took part sharing their knowledge in matters such as industrial property, business creation or pub- lication in open access, etc.
• Protection of their research results and man-
• Role of FAS-mediated apoptosis in damage of the pulmonary epithelium (PI12/02451).
• Identification of markers of very severe COPD activity in experimental models, and assess- ment of therapeutic intervention with soluble guanylate cyclase (PI13/00836).
• Molecular profile of cardiovascular risk in pa- tients with obstructive sleep apnoea: Person- alised predictive model (PI14/01266).
Financing Agency: Ministry of the Economy and Competitiveness:
• Juan de la Cierva Contract 2012 (JDC-2012- 14801)
• Post-Doctoral Grant Contract 2013 (FPDI- 2013-15598)
• FP7-COFUND Contract
One of the CIBER’s main aims is the transfer of re- search results into clinical practice, and one of the best tools existing for this purpose is technology transfer. The Unit managing this at the CIBER sets out to act as a bridge between our researchers and other agents in the Science and Technology System (companies, business associations, other research organisations, etc.) to make cooperation with these bodies more effective. This means that research results will be efficiently developed and can succeed in being applied. Work is done in sev- eral lines to this end:
• Training in innovation management and con- tinuous contact with our researchers to mon- itor their results.
agement of cooperation with other agents, as vouched for by applications for patents and signing licensing contracts, amongst other agreements.
Hence, over 23 new patent applications were made and seven licensing agreements were signed at the CIBER in 2015.
• The presentation of research results and technological capacities of our groups.
Among many other measures and only as an example, in 2015, several projects were pre- sented at the II Foro de Innovación en Diag- nóstico in Vitro – FENIN in Barcelona (Decem- ber 2015).
• Support for technology-based business crea- tion stemming from CIBER groups.
The CIBER has since 2014 taken part in Epidis- ease ( which it continued to support in 2015.
• Other activities connected with innovation, public-private cooperation and industrial and intellectual property.
For example, the registration of the “commu- nity trademark” of the CIBER has been pro- cessed, or steps have been taken for register- ing intellectual property rights for audio-visual projects, amongst many others.
• InthisperiodCIBERESappliedforonepriori- ty patent.
Dissemination activities
In 2015 CIBER’s Communication Department car- ried out different measures for dissemination and disclosure in order to improve the Centre’s visibil- ity, as well as publicising the research work done by the groups in its eight thematic areas.
CIBERES I Annual report 2015 I 11

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